Our Goal is to each run 1,000 miles in 365 days...from Mother's Day 2011 to Mother's Day 2012...to raise awareness for AIDS orphans and funds for the children at Acres of Love in South Africa. Please consider sponsoring us per mile or joining our running team.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Long Beach Marathon and Half Marathon

Friday, October 7, 2011
Going To New Heights
Over the last couple of years I've decided to do some things I never thought I would do. One...run 1000 miles in 365 days. Two...hike Mt. Whitney, the highest peak in the lower 48 states. I'm over 500 miles into 1000 mile journey and on September 28th I set out to take on Whitney.
Before I left for the trip I packed my backpack with the usual stuff first aid kit, water, beanie, gloves. My heart pulled at me to pack two more things, a picture of my boys and a picture of the kids from Acres Bridges Forever Home. I nestled them safely in my pack just in case I needed the inspiration later.
Most people don't decide to summit Whitney in a day. Usually people get to a base camp spend the night and summit the next day. Obviously, my group wasn't like most people. We set out at 4am to start our ascent headlamps on and backpacks in tow. When the sun came up our surroundings were nothing short of amazing. 6 hours into our hike we were at Trail Camp elevation 12,000 feet. With only 2,500 feet or 4 miles left to go you would think it would be easy. At home running 4 miles would take less than 40 minutes. On Whitney with the elevation, terrain and 99 switchbacks it would take hours. I didn't realize the importance of those pictures in my pack until I started the last part of the ascent.
Me and my hiking partner Melanie pressed on through the switchbacks. That's where I shed a couple of tears riddled with self doubt. Every time I took a break and grabbed water or a snack from my pack I saw those pictures. When I would start to break down mentally I would think of my kids and the Acres kids. The effects of elevation can be crazy. Every step can be exhausting both mentally and physically. I was determined and inspired not to quit. 10 hours after our journey began we were at the summit, almost 14,500 feet up. The top was completely breathtaking.
Those pictures helped me through the 10 hours up and the 7 hours down. Worlds away and without even knowing it those beautiful children inspired me to get to new heights.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Almost Halfway There

Don't you love our logo? It was designed by Candace's sweet hubby. Our shirts are getting printed this week.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
The Girls

We are running in the Long Beach Marathon and Half Marathon on Sunday, Oct 9th.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Running in the Hail

Thursday, June 30, 2011
Rave Run
Monday, May 23, 2011
Where does 1000 miles take us?
- From San Clemente, CA 1000 miles would take us all the way to Seattle, WA or San Antonio, TX or even Mazatlan, Mexico depending on the direction we headed.
- We could also pick a route that would have us touch 7 states. Starting in CA, going through NV, AZ, UT, CO, WY and then landing in NE.
- If we started in New York City, we would make it all the way to Tampa, FL.
- I also read that it is 1000 flight miles from New York City to London.
- Now if we were started in Johannesburg, South Africa, where the Bridges Forever home is, and headed north we would not only cross northern South Africa, but we would also travel through the countries of Botswana, Zimbabwe and Zambia. And land in the border town of Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. (Now I've been a lot of places, but can't say I've been there.) I think this would be the most interesting journey and probably the most dangerous.
I wonder what else is 1000 miles. I wonder if we combined our miles together, how far we would go? Might have to look that up and share... Until then I am running and running and running and smiling as I think of all the wonderful places my miles could take me and the smiles my feet will help to bring those wonderful children in the Bridges Forever home.
Monday, May 16, 2011
My Other Running Buddies
While she screamed because she was fighting her nap and I tried not to let the glaring looks of judgement bother me from other trail users, I thought about all the defenseless babies that were crying in South Africa today while their mothers literally died of AIDS next to them, leaving no one to respond lovingly to their cry and possibly leaving no living family members to meet their most basic needs. It is absolutely impossible to imagine how it would feel to know that you were going to die and leave your baby all alone in the world. I remember the painful guilt that I felt while on bed rest on the hospital during my last pregnancy. I hated not being able to be apart of the daily business of my girls at home and felt like I had abandoned them. Yet they had a host of loving family and friend that stepped in to care for them in my absence. Children today in Africa are being left all alone to face the world, find food, find safety. I pray for all those sick and dying mothers today and for the children they are leaving behind. I pray that God would mobilize his people to urgently step in and care for those children. I thank God for the people at Acres of Love that are "his hands and feet" to those children and I feel so honored to be a part of the cause. I pray for the hearts of the people that will learn of our mission to run 1ooo miles to raise money for Acres of Love, that they would feel called to pledge their support so that more children can be rescued and given the life God has intended for them.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Random Thoughts - Last Run of the Week
- maybe a BLT, sweet potato fries and a large Miller lite are not a good pre-run meal
- doing it for the kids
- might as well go a little further - I'm already gonna have to wash these clothes anyway
So, I survived week one and just barely got my 20 in. yay... We had a crazy busy day today. Danny celebrated his first communion today, so, we hosted breakfast at our house with the family. Then, it was off to church for Danny's first communion. So amazing to see our son growing up and taking steps to follow Jesus. We're so proud.
As it always go with us, we always have more than one thing going on. Cole had his second degree black belt test today too. This was a four hour test. He did great; did several board breaks - one involving two 1" thick boards on top of each other. They were suspended between two concrete bricks. Crazy!
Then we were off to dinner. We were gone the entire day, an exhausting day. I immediately came in and threw on my running clothes to get in my last 2.5 miles for the week. I could have done it tomorrow but just couldnt stand the thought of it hanging over my head.
So, immediately I realized that my BLT dinner with potato fries and large beer might not have been the best choice.
As I'm running, I reminded myself that we are doing it for the kids. I was thinking how far would I run for my kids? If they were in pain, suffering, in need, whatever ---- I would run to the ends of the earth. Any parent would. So, for these children in Africa, I will run because they don't a mother to run to the ends of the earth for them.
As I was getting close to the end of my 2.5 mile run I thought maybe I should run a little further - I'm gonna have to wash these clothes anyway. That's the drawback of so much running - the laundry!!!
Week one is done.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Day One, Mother's Day Reflect
Welcome Michelle.
Our to date donations are just over $3,000... Thank you to everyone that is sponsoring us in this challenge. All money will go to the Acres of Love Bridges Forever Home.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Day 1
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Mother's Day 2011
We are a group of moms living in San Clemente, Ca. We have been running together for about 4 years now. Together we have done half marathons, marathons, duathlons and triathlons. We are excited about this next challenge in front of us. We are combining our love for running with our desire to make a difference in the lives of children on the other side of the world.
We will be asking people to sponsor us a certain amount of money for every mile completed in 365 days. (Example: $.10 x 1000 miles= $100)
100% of the money raised will go to the children at Acres of Love.
Acres of Love is a non profit organization that rescues and cares for abandoned AIDS orphans in South Africa. http://www.acresoflove.org/. Our money will help with the annual cost of taking care of the 10 children living in the Bridges Forever home.
Please consider:
-sponsoring one (or all!) of us for every mile we complete in the year
-make a one time, flat donation to Acres of Love via their website (please put "1000 Miles" in the comment section)
-join us in this challenge to complete 1000 miles and get sponsors of your own
-cheer us on!! :)
Please come back to this blog often and check in on our progress.
Thanks for your support.